Covid-19 or Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that causes respiratory infections. This can range from the common cold to more serious diseases. It is known to be a strain of SARS-CoV-2, it has caused many deaths around the world and some people who have caught it can have lasting health problems. It can easily be spread and so prevention involves physical distancing, mask-wearing, hand hygiene and staying away from others if you feel sick. It was first reported in December 2019 and the UK first went into lockdown in March 2020.
At the start of 2020 I was in my final year of Highschool and had my GSCEs later that year, I remember when the cases were rising in other countries, and we all joked about not doing our exams- little did we know that we were right. Our teachers all told us that there was no way we weren’t doing exams, students jokingly walked around school with big surgical masks on, about a week later we were sent home from school for ‘2 weeks’. We left school on a Tuesday and so didn’t get to say goodbye to each other, sign each other’s t-shirts or even say bye. It was so abrupt; I remember I was staying at home that day as I didn’t feel the best, but all my friends walked into school and were told to leave again. During the time we were off, our teachers would set us a lot of work to do, we didn’t even have any lessons on zoom. About a week of being off Boris Johnson made an announcement that said we wouldn’t be doing our exams, I was at one of my friends’ houses at the time, after we heard the announcement, we were so happy, we didn’t have to do exams or even go back to school. Some of my teachers carried on setting work but soon enough they would all write their ‘Goodbye notes’ to us, which is when reality hit that we really weren’t going back, I won’t see half of the people in my year anymore, we won’t get a prom. The March lockdown lasted till August 2020. During this lockdown, my sleep schedule went awful I basically turned nocturnal, I would sleep during the day and stay awake at night, it seemed like everyone my age was in the same boat.
I started working for Angel Book Store in June 2020, this helped me fix my sleep schedule and I have also learnt many new things such as: how to make an excel spreadsheet, how to sort out accounts, how to check tracking, how to become independent and be trusted, I have designed the website, social media accounts and many more things. This allowed me to make a savings account in which I would put money in every week, now it has allowed me to pay for a holiday to America and for my car insurance. I have really enjoyed working for Angel Book Store as it has given me first-hand experience on how a business works, how it is run and what goes on in the background to make it successful.
The Government funded an app called ‘NHS Track and Trace’ which would tell you if you have been in close contact with someone with the virus and so you would have to isolate for 14 days just to be safe, I have personally been pinged multiple times and so had to isolate multiple times although I have never had the virus (I test regularly). Isolation is so boring now; it wasn’t so bad when the whole country was in lockdown as everyone was in the same position. It is bad if you do get pinged as you can’t go into college and as the lessons aren’t online anymore you miss out on lots of work. Once at college I got pinged because a boy I sat next to for 20 minutes had it, it is so frustrating when you must isolate but it is always better to be safe rather than sorry and not take the risk of spreading it to people who have underlying conditions who could be seriously affected by it. When I first started college, we all had to wear masks, we were one of the only colleges at the time who still had to wear them, this was for the better though as in September 2020 the cases started to rise again and so another lockdown happened. This lockdown we had to do our lessons online on Teams which isn’t the best way to learn. We were learning online for nearly 3 months and then we were doing ‘blended learning’ which meant we had half the week in college and half online. We are still expected to do exams although we haven’t even been in college for the full 2 years.
The Government had set a limit on how many people you could have at weddings and funerals. This was very upsetting as two of my family members had passed during covid and only a limited amount of people could go. One of my family members who had past his own son couldn’t come to the funeral because he lived in America and the restrictions wouldn’t allow him to come into the country, it wasn’t fair. My Mum and Stepdad got engaged in 2019 and had planned to have the wedding on the 26th of September 2020 however with the cases rising the wedding had to get postponed till September 2021. It was a pain for them to rearrange and re-book everything, very stressful to say the least. A few months before the wedding the Government had taken the limit off how many people could go to weddings, it was finally all working out, my mum was stressed as anything before the wedding hoping it would all go okay and covid wouldn’t ruin it. About a week before the wedding my mum’s best friend came over, she was the one who introduced them to each other, she found out she had Covid a few days after, my mum was stressed, if she had contracted it the wedding would be cancelled, they would lose it all. Luckily, after testing we were all negative and so the wedding could go ahead. It was a beautiful and perfect day and night.
Me and my family are all fully vaccinated now to protect ourselves from the virus. When I was getting my second jab I passed out in the room, I am so bad with needles, and so they had to walk me to a room where I could fully lie down, they placed a blood pressure checker on my finger and arm. I am not looking forward for my booster. Recently, my parents went to a music festival in Minehead, and my Stepdad realised he couldn’t smell when my mum was making a chicken and vegetable soup, he also couldn’t taste the soup after it was ready. He did a lateral flow test and a faint line showed up and so I am staying with a friend and so I don’t catch it. He has been very tired with the virus; he has a very high temperature and still can’t taste or smell. My mum luckily hasn’t caught it off him either.
Overall, covid has affected me and my family both negatively and positively, we have all bonded from staying at home together, I remember at the start of lockdown me, and my mum did online Zumba sessions together. We have met some people who we wouldn’t have met if we were on holiday. I have been given the opportunity to work and gain experience whilst being at home. I still haven’t had covid and I hope I don’t get it. Lots of my close friends have had covid, some were bad with-it others were okay. Make sure that you continue to stay safe, social distance and wear your mask as cases are rising and there is a new variant in the UK.